Saturday, March 21, 2009

Return from Spring Break

Hello again, we're one week in from Spring Break. I had a relaxing week at home in Connecticut, but its good to be back in DC as spring arrives.

I arrived in the office on Tuesday afternoon, and found the front reception area empty. Our scheduler, Jessica quickly came in, and was thrilled that I had arrived, because both of the other interns were off this week for break, and my boss, Liz, the administrative assistant, had gone home to CT for a family emergency.

For a while I sorted the stacks and stacks of mail on the desk, and then Jessica asked me to prepare to give a Capitol Tour to a visiting family. Linda, one of the LA's, asked me to find out contact info for some of the police forces in the district, most of which were in really small towns which don't have their own police, they rely on the CT State Troopers. Then Paul, the Leg. Director, in charge of healthcare policy, asked me to write another short one minute speech for the congressman. Eventually, all that was done, and no major disasters occurred.

Wednesday and Friday were pretty uneventful, Liz returned on Wednesday afternoon, and I didn't have to deal with too many phone calls about the whole AIG mess.

PS: Here's a video of Rep. Murphy delivering the one minute on healthcare myths I drafted for him a few weeks ago: